Eviction Lawyer


If you are faced with dealing with an eviction on one of your Southern Connecticut rental properties, we are here to handle it all from start to finish. We make sure that we follow the rules and guidelines established by Rhode Island tenant laws.

Evicting a problem tenant in Fairfield and New Haven Counties can be an absolute nightmare for a property owner. We are here to step in when you need us! We work hard to have a thorough process of screening and placing our tenants, collecting rents, enforcing our rules and keeping our tenants happy. Let’s face it though no matter how thorough a tenant is screened there is always the chance of having to go through an eviction in Southern Connecticut with a trouble tenant. If you do have to go the route of eviction it is always best to get them out as soon as possible in a thorough and streamlined manner because they are costing you money.

Can you take care of the eviction yourself? Sure you can but trust us when we say this process can be very complicated. Any wrong move can extend the time it takes to get a problem tenant out of your property. Mistakes can cost you thousands of dollars or more. Any tenant that is savvy with tenant law can delay an eviction for 30-60+ days longer than it should take.

Here are some common reasons you may need to evict a tenant in one of your Fairfield & New Haven Counties rental homes:

  • Failure to pay monthly rent.
  • Violating a pet policy and bringing in an unapproved pet.
  • Smoking in a property against the lease rules.
  • Repeatedly violating enforceable terms in the lease.
  • Damage to the unit or common areas in the building.
  • Causing harm or being a safety risk to other residents or neighbors.
  • Moving in more people to the property than agreed upon in the lease.

We are here to help! Contact us today and let’s talk about a game plan to get your property back on track and leased to a great tenant.

Eviction Service

    Contact us to get the best Eviction Lawyer soon!

    Wa We Property Management

    Stamford Location:

    2777 Summer St #700

    Stamford, CT 06905